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Cute And funny How to sleep a horses cute moment of the horses

Cute And funny How to sleep a horses cute moment of the horses

The horse :

Horses are hoofed, have an oval-shaped hoof, long slender legs, short hair that thickens in winter, a long tail, a rectangular head, and a thick neck covered with coarse hair extending along the dorsal side. Horses are herbivores and teeth are devoted to grazing, and they have many strains that differ in size, leg length, head length, body composition, and hair color. Horses range from white, black, yellow, red, and brown, and there are spotted horses , And another spotted.

They are powerful, graceful animals belonging to the range of mammals, and the vocabulary rank. Horses played an essential role in the lives of humans from eternity and the history of civilization, and humans benefited from them in travel, sports, art, especially wars and transport.

The history of horses dates back to about (58) million years, and there are conflicting information about the history of taming wild horses by humans, and in general the taming of these animals seems to have been in the period between (4000 - 5000) BC.

Horse sleep method :

A group of horses that includes both horses, donkeys, and zebras is unique in the ability to sleep while standing; where horses can sleep lying on its side, but for a period that does not exceed (15-20) minutes at a time, because lying down for a longer period may cause problems in Blood flow due to its large body weight. The horse's ability to sleep has evolved standing as a means of being on the alert to escape from predators, and given the straightness of the horse's back it will not be able to stand and escape quickly if it is asleep when lying down when attacked by predators.

Certified factors in horses sleep :

How long a horse sleeps depends on several factors, including age. Young horses, or foals, need intermittent periods of sleep in a supine position, spending half of their day sleeping until they reach the third month of life, and as they age, their sleep periods decrease until they reach for three hours every 24 hours, and it becomes more likely to sleep in the position of standing, and the periods of lying on the ground, and other factors that affect the pattern of horse sleep: temperature, diet, and effort exerted during work, sex, and the presence or absence of pregnancy, and to ensure that the horse gets The need for sleep and rest should To have a safe and dry place for him to lie down and sleep, as some horses may start snoring and light tremors if they are not disturbed during their sleep.

Cute And funny How to sleep a horses cute moment of the horses

Horses slept while standing :

The secret lies in the horses sleeping and they are standing in the special structure of the muscles of the limbs, ligaments, and tendons that maintain the integrity of the joints in the limbs, and enable them to stand without their muscles exerting a lot of energy; While the second hind leg is in a relaxed position, and the exchange between the hind legs takes place every few minutes to reduce fatigue, and the presence of ligaments that support the horse's neck help the neck and head hang comfortably during the sleep of the horse standing standing relax the ears, and the eyes are closed, Lips can hang.

Reasons for the risk to horses :

If the horse does not get the need to sleep lying down, symptoms of a lack of sleep may appear, so he feels sleepy during the day, and suddenly falls on his knees, which causes him to bruise. Sometimes the horse refuses to sleep lying down due to problems in the bones, and the muscles cause pain when descending, or standing, or because of a feeling of insecurity, or the lack of a comfortable bed, and the reasons that cause the horse to stay lying for more periods than normal are: injury Colic, laminitis, general weakness, or certain neurological disorders.
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Zain YouceF is an animal writer and enthusiast with experience working in a veterinary hospital and several leading horse charities and learning more about dog development and obedience. He has personal experience with dogs, cats, rabbits, giblets and horses. This first-hand experience combined with a lifelong interest in learning makes researching and writing about the latest in animal welfare, training and breeding a natural convenience.
