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Ant Colony Facts | Where Do Ants Live and what they eat |
Ant colonies:
Ants live in various forms of colonies; Some live in tunnels inside the soil that have been dug under the ground, where they are often under a hill or dome, or in the sand or debris, and ants can build hills up to 1.5 meters high, and some also live in dead wood cavities, or in Live plant tissues, while others invade buildings or ships, in addition to the size of ant colonies ranging from a few tens to half a million ant, or more.
Ant Activity:
Types of ants differ in their activity times outside their colonies. Many of them are active at night, some are in the day, and workers activate them inside the nest if it is warm enough, where they perform some work, such as: expanding the colony, gathering food, disposing of waste, and protecting the colony Of predators and parasites, ants often carry food and water by swallowing, and keep them in a separate stomach, then vomit them to share with others, as ant colonies are presided over by a queen or queens, whose job is to lay thousands of eggs to ensure the colony remains, in addition to that workers from Females are without wings, and they never reproduce.
Ant food:
The way ants communicate with one another depends on the use of chemicals that enable them to alert each other to the presence of a danger, and to know where their food sources are.
Ants food varies according to their types; Where there are some types that feed on diabetic liquids, such as: nectar, and diabetic material produced by aphids and other insects, some also feed on other insects, small animals, and others feed on seeds or fungi, in addition to that ants drink from dew drops, or Ponds, sometimes content with wet food, such as nectar.
Many types of ants depend on their food for the nutrients that they have kept in their nests, especially ants that eat seeds, and some of them feed on fungi that grow in the nest, while ants and cutters feed on fungi that grow on the foliage that was carried and placed in their homes It is worth noting that the army ants roam the forests and tropical environments to feed on the animals they find, as they are large ants and have sharp jaws.
Ants are a family of social insects that belong to the family of ants. They are of the order of membranous wings and are the same rank that both wasps and bees and some insects belong to. Ants evolved from the ancestors of wasps during the Cretaceous period - that is, about 99 million years ago - and diversified after the emergence of Flowering plants, more than 12,700 species have been classified out of a total of approximately 23,000, and are easily recognizable by their hooked sensing pods and the distinct semi-nodule composition that makes up their slender waist.
Life time:
Ants A queen of ants can live for several years, and workers may live for a year, but many of them live for only a few months, just as males die when they mate, so they live for only a few weeks.
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