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How to train a budgie to speak in a short time and for free |
How to train a budgie to speak in a short time and for free :
Parrot Parrot :
Is a type of colorful, beautiful and rare birds, and it is from the family (Psittacidae), and this family includes approximately 433 species that have been found so far on the ground, and the subfamily of it is known as (Psittacinae). Parrots of all kinds live in warm tropical regions, and the regions most abundant in parrots are North America and the various regions around Australia that include South Asia.Parrots are classified into three main families: the Cacatuidae family, the Psittacidae family, and finally New Zealand parrot whose presence is limited to New Zealand only. People usually distinguish the parrot from other birds because of its hooked beak and colored feathers, which is in Mostly green in color, parrot birds are famous for their intelligence and their ability to express and imitate human voices and words, and whenever a person is friendly to her and loves and treats her kindly, he exchanges the same feelings, but if she feels that a person does not love her or wants to harm her, then she becomes somewhat fierce, and may harm or cause A mess of her whereabouts. Parrots generally feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, and small insects. It is worth noting that their ability to speak and imitate sounds varies according to their different types. His ability to speak is weak and he usually shouts and makes noises rather than pronouncing words.
Teaching parrot to speak:
To teach the talking parrot, you can do the following:
- Talking to the budgie calmly and continuously and getting to know him more, and creating expectations for his ability to learn to speak over time will learn.
- Choose sounds and words with clear wisdom, and start the learning process by choosing simple and short words such as the word hello or the word goodbye The tone of talking to the budgie should be positive and they feel us.
- Repeating the words that the budgie is noticeable to have responded to greatly since the beginning of the training, and repeating as possible.
- Patience to teach the parrot to speak, there are types that learn very quickly, and there are types that require a great time and may end up learning a word, so patience must be during the process of education and the results are not rushed, as should the praise of the parrot in its uttering a new word, no matter how simple.
- Begin to teach the budgie whistle if you notice its difficulty in speaking from the beginning.
- Show enthusiasm while talking to the budgie, as it picks up enthusiasm from its owner and wants to learn more.
- Writing a few words or several phrases or trying certain sounds to teach them to the parrot, and it is preferable to repeat certain words or phrases at the same time of the day and every day, for example before going to sleep a good night can be said to the parrot every night, and so the budgie gets used to this sentence and when it is said to start learning it .
- It is preferable to have a conversation with a budgie rather than recite it and hear it over and over again, for example, one can tell the budgie what to do or what to do next, and ask if he wants to eat food, etc.
- The parrot should be placed in a place where people can constantly see and communicate with them in order to get used to and hear them in order to learn from them continuously, such as a living room or a home yard, for example.
- Avoid the presence of any source of disturbance or disturbing sounds, such as television or radio and a computer, as when teaching the parrot to speak must be taken into account that the teacher only hears the speech, and that there are no other sounds that would hinder the learning process.
- Conducting research on the existing bird, its type and its species, and knowing its ability to learn to speak, sounds and signals.
- CDs can be used to train a budgie to speak and music, but it can be a tedious and ineffective method, as the bird will learn more if someone feels interacted with him.
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